How I bought for $128 and sold it for $8,800

November 29, 2021

Over the last year, I've been buying and selling domain names. I just got into it. I buy a few, give them a little push and wait. It's a pretty decent way to make some passive ish income.

I've made about $30K in the last year doing this very passively.

This is how I made over $8,000 on

So I was looking at godaddy auctions scanning all the legit thousands of domains expiring, most are junk, and many are hilarious. Then, staring me right in the face was a name. The name of a VERY POPULAR, literally blowing up new app who had raised millions of dollars in venture capital and was all over the news and twitter. This was end of 2020.


The app that everyone was talking about. “The next twitter” and "Audio Twitter" Forbes called it.

I triple checked the spelling reading it out load, making sure it wasn’t missing a letter or something weird, which you have to look out for.  Like the time I almost bought “

I read it out-loud very s l o w l y

“ C L U B H O U S E”  app dot com

Ok, wow. It’s legit.

I bid, $100, then got outbid then bid one more time and I got it for, what I couldn’t believe…$128

Yes, One hundred and twenty eight dollars.

Then I listed it for sale immediately for…$8,800.

Well, actually now that I remember it, not quite true, I listed it for $12,500 at first. Then I chickened out and reduced it. That would be too much to make on the sale! I only paid $128!! What if they find out I only paid that??  But they never know. That’s not how it works thankfully. Whew…

I waited a bit.

Then I found the email of the clubouse founders and sent them this email.

No response...

At the time they didn't have clubhouse·com yet they still had

Then I saw another opportunity on twitter when Austen Allred from Lambda School (now called Bloom Tech) @ Austen tweeted something sarcastic about clubhouse. And it was starting to blow up so I dropped this tweet in his replies with the link to my "Buy it Now" for $8,800 link.


about a day later, I got this email...

Sold. $8,800

Bought: $128

Sold  $8,800

Profit $8,678

Over 5,244% return in a few months.

God bless the internet. The glorious glorious internet. A couple days later I got the direct deposit in my bank account.

So It took a little bit of work. So not 100% passive but passive-ish. And I've done this a couple more time with OrganicBabyFormula .com , Yeet . me, and others.

Want to give flipping domain names a try? Read more below

How to make $30,000+ per year flipping domains as a side hustle.